As of this publishing, WIMP software is deployed in over 10 locations nationwide, and growing. See Locations page, to view their respective cities.
Where Is My Package? – Courier Transportation Software
How long has your company been in business?
Schewanick Computer Services (“SCS”) has successfully been in business and was incorporated in 1999. The founder has over two decades working with Courier/Messenger industry owners.
How many times per year is WIMP upgraded/revised?
Like other software-as-a-service sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, etc.), WIMP software is continually being updated and upgraded. We have a vested interest in maintaining that WIMP software is the best in the business! We welcome your feedback and comments.
What type of database engine does WIMP run under?
WIMP software is powered by MySQL, which is famous for its speed and power. It offers performance which surpasses that of the “big iron” databases in many areas. Overall, it is second-to-none in terms of ease of access and flexibility.
What are the computer requirements to use WIMP?
WIMP software is a browser-based application. You will need a GUI (graphical user interface) such as Windows ™ XP, Vista or 7, Mac O/S X or any version of Linux. WIMP software uses Javascript and Cookies so both options need to be enabled.
Note: We do not track you with Cookies, we only use Cookies to remember your preferences.
Have you had any problems/bugs with it?
All software has bugs, however we have included a ‘Bug Reporter’ option right on your Task Bar. Should an error occur, a pop-up appears with all important information for our programmers (webpage, browser version, line number, error number and/or message).
Just enter the information in the bottom of the form and tell us what you were doing when the error occurred, then press ‘send’.
This email will go directly to our support department.
Note: You must have email set up in your PC. Web-based email client will not work with this, so you’ll have to cut (PC ctrl-c/Mac cmnd-c) and paste (PC ctrl-v/Mac cmnd-v).
Should you have an idea or a suggestion, feel free to use the ‘Bug Reporter’ for that also.